Monday, November 9, 2009


The other day, I saw a TV programme that teach how to 减肥 (lose weight). Well, she (the host) says that this is a research from a University professor (which I don't know who is him) from Hong Kong and has been proven by him. (If I'm not mistaken..lolz..)

It says that out stomach actually is as big as your fist (or slightly bigger). Then when we are hungry, we tend to eat more and more and this makes out stomach become bigger or bout double the normal size. This makes you FAT!

So, to regain back what you are before is to eat less! NOT have less meals!!

She says that, every time when you eat, you only eat half of the portion of your food. But some will say wasting food, so leave the other half to be taken later(bout 2hours later).

This is because when you eat half of the food, meaning that the size of your stomach will slowly reduce back to normal.(well, I hope those who read understand what I'm trying to say).


So, remember this! Eat less food, not meal..!!

P/s: For more information, contact me lolz..=)


jcdagreat said...

i saw the show also... ah sou-sofar so good huh...hhHhAahah

Wilson Lai Keen Hoong said...
